Monday, August 10, 2009

Brock's Birthday Eve...

Since we knew Brock's birthday was going to be crazy busy, we decided to take him out to dinner and Chuck-E-Cheese the night before. I just got his old car seat cleaned up and ready for his sister and installed into my car. This was the first time Brock saw it since we switched him to his forward facing car seat. He climbed in it and when I asked what he was doing, he said, "baby's seat". Doesn't he look HUGE in this? It's rated for a child up to 30 lbs. and he's just under 30, but he's obviously too tall to pull it off!Here we are in Chuck E Cheese.
Brock giving the camera a kiss

There were these fountain outside of Chuck E Cheese and Brock has a blast playing in the water. It has been very hot the last few days so the cold water must have felt refreshing.

Daddy and Brock bought Mommy some flowers for Brock's party. Aren't they pretty?
The delivery guy's pretty handsome too!

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