Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat?

I learned to pick my nose last night and it really cracked Nana and Grandpapa up!
They came over to see me in my turtle costume before I went trick-or-treating.

Grandpapa gave me some advice on how to get lots of candy.

Mommy, Daddy, Henry and I all went to a few neighbor's houses.

Here I am at my first house. It was Jeanne and Jack's house. Jack was wearing a scary mask. It made me a little scared. He gave me two Snickers bars.

Here we are in front of Anna and Andy's house.
Issac and Poppy are my friends.
Here I am with Issac and Poppy.
I tried to put my Snickers bars into this dish of candy and they told
me that's now how this works. They wanted to give me more candy.
This Halloween thing is pretty cool.
I don't quite understand this trick-or-treat stuff. I thought I was
supposed to take my candy out of my pumpkin and put it in with the other
candy. Everyone keeps telling me to "take" candy. I don't get it.

I'm glad I took this Reese's peanut butter cup.

It's really tasty!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Walking in circles

Walking in circles is REALLY fun. You should try it.

Hats, robes, and hugs

Brock likes to wear this hat sometimes around the house.

Mommy bought some new pj's. They came with this robe and slippers!

I love you Daddy!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Fun with the phone

Here is Brock playing with our answering machine. He likes to push the buttons and record messages. We were saving a couple of cute messages that he recorded the other day but today Brock found a new button: "delete all old messages".

And now they are all gone :(

Some of Brock's favorite things

Playing with the answering machine, cordless phone, and his baby monitor.

Remote controls of any kind. He likes the dish network one the most. He almost ordered a $150.00 sports package the other day. Just one click away!

His bottle of milk at bedtime.

Finger and hand puppets. Here are the bunny and the frog.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Brock sharing

Brock is very caring. Watch him share his blanket and his water with Daddy.

Closer to a road

This is the view from our front door. We have a paved road that we can now drive on! Brock really loved watching the trucks. We went outside to get a closer look.
Lots of smoke with the hot asphalt and cool air.
Brock followed the trucks down the side walk. See that man with the shovel? He was getting a kick out of Brock. I don't think we worked for one second while we were outside. He just kept waving and laughing at Brock.
Brock chasing the big trucks.
Faster, faster, faster!

Monday, October 20, 2008

While mom's at work...

While mom's at work on Saturdays and Sundays I have fun hanging out with Daddy. Sometimes I get to hang out with Nana and Grandpapa or Aunt Britta and Uncle Matt. When Daddy watches me he likes to send Mommy pictures to her email so she can see what we're doing all day. Here are a few of her favorites...
Me and Henry in the back yard.
Me sitting in the front entry way looking out the glass door.
This is Mommy's favorite one so far...
I found this hat of Daddy's and put it on.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A little talk with Mom

Mama, ball and stinky are the only words he repeats back to me but he's also able to say:

Daddy, Lola, Lala, bye-bye, Nana, doggy, kitty, yah and night-night.

He says stinky when I take off his shoes and socks. It's pretty cute.

Mole or cookie?

I was eating an animal cracker and got some on my face. Mommy thought it was funny that a piece of cookie landed (and stuck) in the same spot that she used to have a mole. She thought some of her relatives might find this picture funny.
I don't know what it is about this bottle of body wash, but when I pick it up I MUST pretend to drink it. Mommy doesn't like it but she knows I can't open it up (yet) ;)
Ta Da!
I like to go up and down the steps by myself. Mommy said I have gotten really good at it.
Here I am taking a break.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Brock LOVES Keira

Here they are in the kitchen trying to make out.

Here are Mike and Hillary with their twins Noah and Naomi.

Here are 6 generations of Leif Erikson t-shirts.

Each one is different. If you double click on the picture you can see it bigger.

4 years ago we started to post the winners of the boat race on the back of the t-shirt. Next year you will see 2008- Sue Tourville.

Leif Erikson Party

Here are some pictures of some of the people that came to our party.
Aunt Emily and my cousin Brayden

Cousin Amy
The schrubbery exchange was a huge hit this year.
Here is the boat building station.
Some people take the boat race very seriously.
Here are Darik, Joy and Brian hard at work.
It looks like Sarah is either done building her boat and putting if off for now.
We raced the boats outside in the "ocean" Frank built for us a few years ago.
Here I am having fun. Mommy put me in my stroller because I kept wanting to eat sticks.

Nana won a jar of lingonberries for building the prettiest boat.

Sue Tourville's boat was the overall winner and will get her name printed on the back of our t-shirts next year. She will also get a free t-shirt and will race her boat again next year. Stay tuned to see how it held up after a year in the display box.

My grandpa Rick's boat won last year and Mommy raced it this year for him. It won the heat but in the final race Sue's boat dominated to take the grand prize.

Congratulations Sue Tourville!

Brock, the helper

I found Mommy's Swiffer and wanted to help. Look how good I am.
Maybe she'll let me vacuum later.

Our new backyard

Our backyard took had a major face lift last week. Just in time for our Leif Erikson Party.

Here is the yard before the transformation (well, as they were preparing it).
Ahh, grass.
We also had this stone work done so we had a place to keep our grill.
The goal is to train Henry to do his business on the wood chips.
Here is the a wide shot of our parking pad/drive way. The Leif party will begin in a few hours.
We celebrated on Friday, October 10th this year.