Friday, September 26, 2008

Tornado in the Kitchen

This is what the kitchen looks like BEFORE Brock decides to play in here.
Caught in the act...
And this is what happens in about 5 minutes when Brock is allowed to play in the cabinets.
It's hard not to let him because he absolutely loves to play with pots and pans.
Give him a pot, a lid and a wooden spoon and he's entertained for 20 minutes.
Luckily it only takes a couple of minutes to put it all back.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Construction Zone

Our street has been torn up since June 20th. Our once busy traffic way has been a dirt road now for about 3 months. There are up sides and down sides to the construction.
Good things:
  1. No cars rushing by...ever
  2. Henry loves to run up an down the dirt piles and vacant street
  3. It's quiet all weekend long
Bad things:
  1. When it rains the temporary driveway they gave us tends to run away
  2. Everything in the house is ALWAYS covered in dust/dirt
  3. Construction hours are usually 7:00 am until dark, which is now about 7:30 pm
We went out front the other day to watch the trucks and here are some pictures I took.

This is the view from our front steps
Brock loves to watch the trucks

Brock and Henry

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Goose egg

Brock fell and got his first real bump the other day.
Poor little guy.
As you can see he was still it great spirits.
Nana and Grandpapa came over to watch me for a few hours on Saturday while Daddy had to work. We had a great time! I love you Nana and Grandpapa!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Crushing Crackers

Brock used to be great at eating Ritz crackers. He loved them. But now...all he wants to do is crush them up into tiny pieces or give them to Henry. He'll eat them if I feed them to him but if I put on on his tray it either ends up on the floor or in a million pieces. Maybe we should go back to goldfish. They are harder to crush.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Lunch at Don Pablo's

Here I am at Don Pablo's with Mommy. She got together with her classmates from x-ray school and brought me along. We had a great time. I ate chicken tortilla soup, some bean and rice and some yogurt that mom brought from home.
Mommy and me
Here are her friends from school:
Angie (she lives and works in Grantsburg, WI), Gail (she works with my mommy at Methodist Hospital), and Jason (he works at Abbott in MRI). Megan couldn't make it.

I loved playing with the rocks outside of Don Pablo's.

Here, do you want to play too?

This is a short video that Daddy took of me on Sunday morning. This is another toy I got for my birthday. Until today I never really got how it worked. But, I finally figured it out.

My train

This is the train Nana and Grandpapa bought me for my birthday. It has 3 balls that circle around. I like to watch them come up and out. I don't know where the other 2 balls are right now. Maybe Henry hid them.

I should go into sales

"Hello maam, can I show you some shoes?"
"This one! This is my favorite shoe in the whole store!"
"You need a size 9? Wait here, I'll be right back."
"Sorry maam, the only size this store carries is a toddler 5. Can I show you some purses?"

HRC Dinner

On Saturday Uncle Jake got an award at an HRC dinner. Here I am with my daddy.
How handsome are we?
Me and my grandpapa
Aunt Britta, Nana and me
Uncle Jake and me. Way to go Uncle Jake! We're all so pround of all that you've accomplished.
Here we are all together.
Grandpapa, Daddy, me, Nana, Aunt Britta, and Uncle Jake

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Before and After

Before my hair cut
After my hair cut
Daddy got his hair cut too.

Brock's first hair cut...

When the lady at Great clips asked if I could sit up by myself I didn't know what she had in mind. I'm not to sure about this place or this lady.
Mom said if I'm going to a gala and wearing a suit this weekend I should get a hair cut. So, here I am. I'm not too excited about this.
Look how long that hair in between her fingers is. I guess I did need this cut.
Now you're gonna do what?
Yikes! I don't like those clippers!

This is the lady that cut my hair. She was very encouraging. Mom said I did great.
I only cried at the end when the clippers came out.
Otherwise I just sat in the chair like a good boy.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sneek Peek

Mom and I were shopping today and I got some pretty cool stuff. I got a suite to wear to the HRC dinner next weekend and my halloween costume. Here's a sneek peek of how cute I am as a turtle. Stay tuned for actual trick-or-treat photos after Halloween.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Our trip to the State Fair

Here we are at a sit down place for dinner. Daddy decided he didn't want to eat anything on a stick and the tag line for this place was "absolutely Nothing-on-a-stick!" so Josh wanted to stop here and eat. Brock had quite a spread of food at the fair. He had a corndog, a plate of fruit, a slice of key lime pie covered in chocolate (on a stick), a taste of cheese curds (which were NOT the curds I meant to buy), and a jar of food. He was such a trooper. We got to the fair just before 5:00 pm and stayed until 9:30. We brought his pj's thinking maybe he would fall asleep but he didn't until we got home and he was in his crib. He really enjoyed the bus rides to and from the fair.

We stopped by the Marine booth so daddy could show off his muscles. If he did 10 pull-ups he got a lanyard, 15 got him some dog tags, and 20 would have gotten him a t-shirt.

Great job Daddy!

Brock eating a corndog while watching Daddy do some pull-ups at the Marine booth
We visited the "Miracle of Life" barn (twice). Here is an ewe who just gave birth to two little lambs. We "just" missed the birth. This barn is full of pregnant animals where people can watch the birthing process live. They also have a surgical observation room where fair goers can watch surgical procedures on animals. Some little piglets eating from mommy.
Brock eating watermellon.

More Fun at the Fair

Brock was very vocal at the fair. We found a table to sit at and he was yelling with the music and slamming his cup on the table.
We had all just finished sharing a slice of key lime pie "on a stick". Brock was in charge of the pie and he did a great job sharing.
Sharing with Daddy.
I decided to take a picture of everthing Brock ate at the fair. I thought the picture would be better if we let him hold the stick. Josh thought it was going to hit the ground...for sure.
Brock's face just lit up when we gave him the stick to hold. He really enjoyed it and aslo sharing it. As you can see he even thought YOU might like to taste it!

Our little Sweetheart

Brock has gotten back into giving kisses. It's so sweet when he leans into you when you ask for a kiss. He gives hugs too (sometimes).