Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fun in the sun...Summer is finally here!

Brock wanted to play "Monkey and Turtle" the other day. Rayna was the turtle.

Brock was the monkey

Look at those ringlets! Rayna may end up with my hair after all.

Las Vegas trip 2011

Josh and I took a much needed vacation to Las Vegas for a few days.
Here we are outside the famous, "Pawn Stars" shop.

While we were in town, I got to see an old roommate/class mate, Steve Meyer.
He got us tickets to a show he plays in regularly out there.
Thanks Steve.

Just some scenery.

In and Out Burger...Josh's Heaven.

Mother's day 2011

We had a good old fashioned "Backyard Movie Night" and invited some friends and family to join us in the fun. The feature was "Beauty and the Beast". It was a huge hit.
Top photo (left to right): Joy, Darik, Emily, Ben, Grandpapa.
Bottom photo (left to right): Brayden, Rayna, Gabrielle, Brock and Keira.

Fun with a hose!

Brock and Rayna decided they wanted to have a slumber party and set this up themselves.

Mother's Day 2011. Josh brought the kids to the hospital for a quick visit. They picked "flowers" before they came. Rayna put on her own head band. She pretty much insists on dressing herself lately.

More time with Nana and Grandpapa

Eating dinner.

Brock's last day of preschool until the fall.

Rayna watching Brock play in the courtyard at school.

Balls, balls, and more balls.

Our strawberry planter.

Time with Nana and Grandpapa

Nana and Grandpapa watched Brock and Rayna while Josh and I took a little vacation to Vegas. They did lots of fun things in the 4 days we were gone. Brock had his last day of preschool. The photo above us Brock with Ms. Johnson, his teacher.
Playing in the backyard.

Books at bedtime.