Monday, November 17, 2008

Trucks are made for riding

I like to play with the baby monitor. I wanted to wear it like Mommy does....around my neck.
Mom got some new glasses. How do they look on me?

Here's my truck. I got tired of riding it the old fashioned way.

Man this is fun! I feel like I'm on a surf board.

Mom and Dad have been teaching me some sign language. I know the signs for
eat, drink, milk, more, all done (finished), and cracker.
We're woking on cereal, thank you, bird, dog, water, and juice.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Henry likes to play a game we call "Footsy". You just push him away with your feet. He usually grabs a toy and has it in his mouth while he bashes into your feet. Henry and Brock played "footsy" for 2 minutes the other day and I caught it on tape. It's long but very cute.

Brock being Brock

I love to climb and even though I have no chance of making it over this gate, I'm going to try!
Baby Blue Eyes

Mom bought me a new winter hat and I'm not sure I like wearing it.

Here's my very own remote control. It's Elmo.

Here I am with Henry on the couch. We love each other.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Fun on Election Day

Daddy cleared his schedule to spend the day with me and Mommy. We went to the Cheesecake Factory for lunch and then to a super fun park. It had lots of slides and I LOVE slides. Then we went to the Crown Plaza in St. Paul to see Nana and Grandpapa who were there for a huge DFL party. We went swimming in the pool and then sat in the hot tub for a bit. The pool was really cold but the hot tub had be broker earlier in the day so it was only 92 degrees and that's why I got to go in it. It was nice to sit in the warm water after playing in the cold pool. Thanks Daddy for such a fun day.

Mom bought this swim suit thinking to was a great idea. She was very wrong. First, of all it's hard for them to hold me because the top is so big. Second, it makes me flop on my back (bad) or flat on my face (really bad). You'll see a video of it here. We took off this silly suit and I just swam in my swim diaper.
Here I am in the hot tub. I didn't take my second nap and this
warm water is making me very relaxed.
Here I am with Grandpapa and Daddy.

Here's what happens in this silly suit.

Turtle Mania

Here are a few pictures of Brock in his costume taken by a professional photographer...Christine Wood. She came out on Friday, Halloween, and spent 2 hours with us. She must have taken hundreds of pictures and we can't wait to get them. It will be about 2 weeks. When we get them you'll see them here on his blog. Hope everyone had a great Halloween. Brock really enjoyed his.