Monday, November 17, 2008

Trucks are made for riding

I like to play with the baby monitor. I wanted to wear it like Mommy does....around my neck.
Mom got some new glasses. How do they look on me?

Here's my truck. I got tired of riding it the old fashioned way.

Man this is fun! I feel like I'm on a surf board.

Mom and Dad have been teaching me some sign language. I know the signs for
eat, drink, milk, more, all done (finished), and cracker.
We're woking on cereal, thank you, bird, dog, water, and juice.


Randi said...

Dear Brock,
You sign so well! When you were at our house on Friday, we couldn't figure out what you wanted. Now I know .... you wanted a cracker. I will make sure to remember how you sign for that and also have some good crackers ready for you.
love you,

Heidi said...

So cute! We are working on signs with far she just has "all done" down. I can't wait until she learns more.

A day in the life of Isaiah and Julia said...

We signed with Isaiah and Julia also, it is a great way to communicate. I still use no and stop with them.