Friday, June 19, 2009

Our little golfer

Brock really likes to watch golf clips on TV so I decided to buy him a little plastic set of his own. He absolutely loves it! I think he's left handed though and swings the club backwards. I've tried to show him how to swing it but he insists on doing it the way you see here. Surprisingly, he still manages to hit the ball.


Brock got a new swim suit for a trip we will be making to a cabin next week.
Here he is showing it off.

He also go another hair cut on Wednesday. He didn't feel like smiling but here's a
picture of his new locks.
This is Brock's kiddie pool from last year. He's grown quite a bit in a year.
I think it's time to upgrade. The poor boy wanted to "swim" and there was no where to go.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A long overdue THANK YOU

One of our friends, Carolyn Fong, took some pictures of Brock and Brayden last time she was in town. She wanted to get some cute kids for her website. Here are some of my favorites.
Here's a link to her website:
Thanks Carolyn...we will cherish these photos!

Random Photos

I think it's time for another hair cut!
Brock has really been into sitting in tubs and cubbies lately. He's never done this before, but today, he emptied out his toy bin in the family room and then jumped in it and sat down.

This is Josh's office. It's been a great move for him and his business. He recently changed his logo. Check out his website at:

Jump jump jump!

We had a garage sale last weekend and while I was going through the attic I found this footstool. Since it was around this time with my last pregnancy that my feet began to swell, I decided to bring the footstool down to the living room. Brock is really enjoying his new "jumping stool". He jumps off of this stool in every direction, couch or no couch. He absolutley LOVES to jump.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Another trip to Canterbury

We made another trip to the horse track this Thursday. Thursday is Buck night. Dollar admission, dollor hot dogs, dollar sodas. We picked up Uncle Llyod and ate dinner at Culvers before heading to the track instead of the dollar dogs. Mike and Hillary came with their twins Noah and Naomi. Jason and Rhiannon came with their two kids Noah and Payton and Ben and Emily came with Brayden. We actually came out ahead tonight. So did Llyod! Everyone had a great time. Brock got SO dirty playing in sand and dirt all night and made a new friend.
Kettle corn was a hit with everyone...including Brayden. He decided to scrap the banana once he got taste of the sweet goodness of kettle corn!
Can you see how dirty his shorts are? I washed them today and they did NOT get clean. They are soaking in Era as we speak.
Here is Emily and Brayden. He is asking for more kettle corn.

Ben and Llyod
Brayden making a phone call. If he's anything like Brock, he's always pretending to call Nana!
We miss you Nana. They are currently in Boston for Uncle Jakes graduation. Congratulations Uncle Jake!

Here's the friend Brock made. I can't remember her name but she played in the sand with Brock for a LONG time.
I bought Brock this new bubble gun and he really enjoyed it. Check out the shades. He picked them out at Kohl's and this was really the first time he wore them. And boy did he wear them...for over and hour while playing in the back yard. They sit so low on his nose but he seems to enjoy them.
Just a close up of the glasses!

This bubble really blows bubbles. Check it out!

A balancing act...

We were haning out in Brock's (soon to be) new room and he was playing with a new soccer ball I got him at IKEA. It's a soft fabric ball and he loves it. He has been coming up with such unusal games to play. It's so fun for us to watch him learn and explore.

A trip to the horse track

We took Brock to the horse track for the first time this year last Friday.
We were joined by Keira, Joy, Darik, Frank and Vero. We all had a great time.
Brock with Vero
Brock with Frank
Brock had a great time and really enjoyed petting the horses.
Brock really got into the whole atmosphere of the track. He was jumping
up and down and yelling when the horses ran. Here's a short
clip of his enthusiasm. Enjoy!