Thursday, March 27, 2008

What is my Mom saying?

If anyone can quess what my Mom's saying, you win a prize. It even took her several times of listening before she could figure it out and she was the one who said it. Go ahead and guess...
(I'll give you the answer in a few days)


Anonymous said...

6 months and 1 day difference

love, Nana

Anonymous said...

Wow Nana, that's amazing! Your prize is spending an evening with me!
Mom was talking about the age difference between my cousin Brayden and me, which is "6 months and 1 day difference". Love you Nana,

Anonymous said...

Man, if I knew there was such a GRAND prize at stake, I'd have posted sooner! :-) Such precious cousins - they will be best buds for sure. Love~Donna