Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday's random photos

As many of you know, my mom has a pretty awesome work schedule. She gets to stay home with me Monday through Friday and is gone "all day" on Saturday and Sunday. But I don't mind that because then I get to hang out with Daddy and some other family members. Every other week, Mom has to work one night at the hospital and Daddy and I usually come and visit her and have dinner. Here I am at the front desk of the radiology department. Mom let me play with the computer for a few minutes after dinner. She didn't let me answer the phones thought :(
Here I am at the downtown Minneapolis library. They had these cool computers with a fun mouse.
I like to brush my teeth...just like Mommy

This is one of the photos Daddy took last weekend and sent to Mom. It's a bit out of focus but she really liked it.

1 comment:

Our Family said...

I loooove that picture that Josh took - what a sweet smile!