These photos are all in reverse order. For some reason, when I choose them to put on the blog, they get stacked in the wrong order. I usually take the time to copy, paste and then delete the duplicates and put them in the correct order, but I am on a tight time line today so you'll have to think backwards.
Brock found a big bug while playing outside. I have no idea what kind of bug it is, probably a beetle or something, but it was HUGE and he loved it!

Vero made me an delicious chocolate cake with strawberries and fresh whip cream for my 34th birthday. She rushed it over and nearly had a breakdown as it started to melt in the hot sun during rush hour's stop and go traffic. It was wonderful! Thank you so very much for think of me.

Brock and Daddy sharing a hot dog or sausage of some kind that they got at the hardware store. I had Rayna on Thursday evening and decided I was ready to go home by Saturday afternoon. Our house was quite busy on Sunday. Juan was fixing our main floor bathroom and Frank and Vero came over to work on the front of the house. Vero watched Brock for most of the day while Josh and Frank put up our new wood trim by or front door. Thanks Juan, Frank and Vero!

Juan, had at work in the bathroom.

Vero painted with Brock as Rayna and I got some fresh air after a nice nap!

It was a hot day...here we are. It's Sunday so Rayna is 3 days old in this picture. She has grown so much already and she's only 13 days old today! (I'll get more pictures up soon)

Remember when I said these were in reverse order? Here's Daddy sleeping with Rayna in the hospital. This is the chair that Josh had to sleep in while we were there. It reclines to an "almost" flat position. What a trooper!

This is the first time Rayna really opened her eyes for us. She just had her first bath in the hospital and is under a heat lamp getting all toasty. She just stared and us as if she was trying to memorize everything about our faces. I love this little girl so much!

Her first bath. She didn't really like it but she tolerated it well.
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