Well, this is the story of Rayna Joan Reitan's entry into this world. Josh and I arrived at Methodist hospital on Thursday, August 13th at 8:00 in the morning with a planned c-section at 9:40. When Dr. Witzke came in to talk to me she decided she would give me the chance to try to have her vaginally. By 9:30 I was hooked up to an iv of oxitocin to see if a low dose would kick start my body into natural labor. The oxitocin helped my contractions to become regular and stronger. I was checked again at 3:30 in the afternoon and there was no change to my cervix. I decided to try a little longer. By 5:30 there was still no progress and Josh and I decided we waited long enough and really wanted to meet our little girl. I signed the consent form for the c-section and Rayna was born at 6:09 in the evening on August 13th.
Welcome to the world Rayna! We can't wait to meet you! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO!!!
Rayna is beautiful! I can't wait to meet her. Her Cousin Olan will be in Minnesota from September 24 - 30th. That weekend (27th, 28th) we will be planning his 1st Birthday party...Yippee! More cake! LOL
HUGS to baby Rayna!! See you guys soon.
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