We ended up getting around 20" of snow during the blizzard that trapped me at the hospital during one of my weekend shifts. I'm glad that weekend is over and here are some pictures of us digging out.
Our trash can is there to the right of the shed, coved in snow.
Brock liked to help shovel.
Daddy had to plow a path in the backyard for Henry. He couldn't make it through the snow.
You can see out backyard here, the grill, table and chair (and anything else that's in our backyard) is now covered in lots of snow. We'll see those things again in March!
Rayna LOVES her baby dolls. All of them must have diapers and they get changed often.
How funny is this photo??? They were all playing on the couch having a blast and I just happened to snap this photo when everyone looks quite off guard.
Brock, giving himself a "carrot" for a nose from his snowman sticker book.
Daddy made a tasty breakfast for everyone a few weeks ago. Here are Grandpapa, Oliver and Brock.
Mommy and Rayna at Edenborough Park.
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