Thursday, May 6, 2010

10 Things Rayna learned this week

  1. How to walk with assistance
  2. How to blow the "perfect" raspberry
  3. How to eat Gerber "Puffs" by the fist full
  4. That crayons taste yukky
  5. That Henry will not move no matter how hard I pull on his hair
  6. How to empty an entire box of Kleenex
  7. How to empty and entire roll of toilet paper
  8. That it's fun to walk behind Brock's toy shopping cart...
  9. ...but it hurts to fall :(
  10. How to climb steps
A friend at work once told me that if your first child is a crazy one your second child will be mellow.
A different friend at work told me that if your first child was like your second child, people would never have a second child!

We have one busy house right now but I wouldn't change it for the world!

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