Brock asked what his shirt said and Josh said, "Pink Floyd".
Brock said, "Uncle Lloyd"?
Now he calls it his Uncle Lloyd shirt.

Brock and Brayden eating Nerds on the steps.

Josh was nominated as one of the best AV companies in the Twin Cities. We got all dressed up for the awards ceremony. He came in second place. We'll get it next year.
Congratulations Josh!

This is our neighbor's house, Jeanne and Jack. We were eating lunch one day and Brock said, "Look, a robot". I looked out the window where he was pointing and said, "where? I don't see a robot". He said, "Right there!" and pointed to the shadow.

Rayna's ballerina toes!

Brock and Rayna playing.

It's so fun to watch them play. They love each other so much!

Brock "made dinner" the other day. He was very proud of his work.
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