Friday, December 31, 2010

Brock on YouTube

I just posted a video of Brock playing is new guitar on YouTube. It was too long to post here so you'll have to go to YouTube and type, "Brock singing and playing guitar" in the search box and he should pop up as the first one. I'll have to get the direct link on here later. Enjoy :)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Skiing continues...

Brock saying, "Thanks" to the guy who helped on the bunny hill.
This happened a few times :)
Rayna took a ride down on Daddy's skis.

On the slopes of Buck Hill

Looking proud.
Mommy and Brock
Nana and Grandpapa were watching Rayna for the first part of our trip. They showed up to watch Brock and here's a picture of us all.
Brock really wanted to take the chair lift up. So, Daddy took him up...and down. Josh and Brock are in the middle, Brock has red ski boots.

Brock's first skiing experience!

Getting ready.
Taking the magic carpet up the bunny hill.
Ready to make a trip down.
Josh skied backwards down the hill to help Brock. After a few runs on the bunny hill he had greatly improved and gained confidence. He could ski down for short stretches on his own before gracefully falling down. He did amazing!

Blizzard and lots of fun

We ended up getting around 20" of snow during the blizzard that trapped me at the hospital during one of my weekend shifts. I'm glad that weekend is over and here are some pictures of us digging out.
Our trash can is there to the right of the shed, coved in snow.
Brock liked to help shovel.
Daddy had to plow a path in the backyard for Henry. He couldn't make it through the snow.
You can see out backyard here, the grill, table and chair (and anything else that's in our backyard) is now covered in lots of snow. We'll see those things again in March!
Rayna LOVES her baby dolls. All of them must have diapers and they get changed often.
How funny is this photo??? They were all playing on the couch having a blast and I just happened to snap this photo when everyone looks quite off guard.
Brock, giving himself a "carrot" for a nose from his snowman sticker book.
Daddy made a tasty breakfast for everyone a few weeks ago. Here are Grandpapa, Oliver and Brock.
Mommy and Rayna at Edenborough Park.

Wintertime fun

Putting lights on our beautiful tree.
Brock was a blur putting ornaments on it!

Rayna inspected each ornament carefully prior to putting on the tree.

Looking good Brock!

Sledding in the front yard.

Christmas Tree Shopping

I forgot that this silly blog loads the pictures in the opposite order of how you choose, with that in mind, this is the day we went to a Christmas tree farm and cut down out own tree. It was about 17 degrees out and very windy. Rayna fell asleep in the car and slept in the sled the entire time. She woke up just in time to put the tree on the sled. Brock kept picking out trees that were short. He didn't want anything to do with a tall tree. I have a video that I tried to load earlier. I'll try again.

Our visit to St. Louis

We went to St. Louis for Thanksgiving this year. We stayed at my Mom's house. While we were in town we were able to spend time with all of my family, my dad and step mom and my two sisters and their kids. In the photo above, we are at my sister Sherry's house. From left to right: Noah, Josh, Christian, Mikey, and Jake.

Grandpa Juan took Brock for a ride on his "tractor".
Playing in the backyard. It was warm, almost 70 degrees.
Mom, Rayna, Josh and Brock on the porch swing.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Garlic toast

Jen was making dinner in the kitchen and Brock and I were sitting in a chair in the family room reading a book.
Jen says: "Daddy how many pieces of garlic toast do you want?
Dad " Two pieces"
Brock says: "Mom I don't want any pieces of garlic toast"
Jen misunderstood Brock and says: "How many pieces do you want Brock?"
Brock with no hesitation says: "I want 5 pieces"
Jen: "I think one piece is better"
Brock: "No! five pieces!"
Jen: "You can have one"
Brock turns to me and says: "What is garlic toast?"

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010

Soccer and fall fun

We did a lot of yard work to prepare for Leif Erikson Day. Here are a few photos of the kids outside while I was raking leaves.

Brock started soccer a few weeks ago. He is doing great. He needs to work on a few hands on the ball and no pushing.

He must be the only lefty in this group.