The week before July 4th, the whole Reitan clan rented a cabin on Lake McKinnley in Spooner, WI. We had a great time and here are some of the highlights.
Grandpapa and Brock watching fireworks.

Daddy getting Brock ready to go watch fireworks. It was pretty buggy and I didn't want to spray repellent all over him right before bed, so he wore Daddy's sweatshirt for protection.

Here we are in front of the cabin before we went for dinner one evening.

Britta brought a game called, "Bananagrams" and it was played quite a bit.

Brock and Grandpapa roasting marshmellows.

The fishing on this lake was pretty good. I caught this northern off of the dock one morning. Josh caught a huge large mouth bass, Grandpapa, Jake and myself all caught a bowfin (ugly large fish not worthy of eating). Matt, Josh and myself got up almost every morning while everyone else slept and went fishing. We ate quite a bit of crappie, panfish, and bass.

Nana with Brock and Brayden

Nana and Brock on the dock.

This is the large mouth bass I caught. Josh's was bigger but the picture was taken on a cell phone and I can't get it right now. Brock wouldn't stop poking it in the eyes. He kept saying, "eye". He really enjoyed being on the boat and touching the fish.

Aunt Britta and Brock

Thanks for all of the fun memories!
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