I learned to pick my nose last night and it really cracked Nana and Grandpapa up!
They came over to see me in my turtle costume before I went trick-or-treating.
Grandpapa gave me some advice on how to get lots of candy.
Mommy, Daddy, Henry and I all went to a few neighbor's houses.
Here I am at my first house. It was Jeanne and Jack's house. Jack was wearing a scary mask. It made me a little scared. He gave me two Snickers bars.
Here we are in front of Anna and Andy's house.
Issac and Poppy are my friends.
I tried to put my Snickers bars into this dish of candy and they told
me that's now how this works. They wanted to give me more candy.
This Halloween thing is pretty cool.
supposed to take my candy out of my pumpkin and put it in with the other
candy. Everyone keeps telling me to "take" candy. I don't get it.
I'm glad I took this Reese's peanut butter cup.
It's really tasty!
AAwwww. Looks like you all had a good time. He is so cute. Can't wait to see you.
Brock makes a VERY cute turtle!
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