Sunday, July 25, 2010

Rayna loves to swing

Daddy brought Brock and Rayna to the park last night after dinner. Rayna really enjoyed swinging, playing in the sand and going down the slide. Brock played with Camile, an older girl that we see at the park a lot. He's always been attracted to the older kids :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My two sweets!

Even with hand, foot and mouth, Daddy can get a good smile out of Rayna
Daddy and Brock found a corner store a few weeks ago that sells these huge Freeze Pops for 25 cents!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

"So you think you can dance"

Everyone who knows Brock knows he likes to dance. He's pretty good at imitating what he sees. He was watching "So you think you can dance" with us the other night and really enjoyed this African style jazz routine. Josh got a few clips of him dancing yesterday while I was at work. You can see a little bit of the routine in the back ground.