Brock and Josh spent the Easter Sunday with Nana, Grandpapa, Britta, Matt, Brayden, Ben and Emily. They all went to church and then over to Nana and Grandpapa's house for an Easter egg hunt and then dinner. As all of you know, in church there is singing. There is typically no clapping after the singing. Brock was not aware of this and as if on cue began to clap wildly following the first choir's song. His clap got the entire church clapping. He did it again following the children's choir and once again, got the entire church clapping. He attempted to clap a third time at a less appropriate time and Josh took him to the nursery. He had a blast in the nursery. I applaud my son for clapping in church. I always thought it was odd NOT to clap when the choir sings so beautifully. Way to go Brock!

Another Easter egg hunt at Nana and Grandpapa's house

We asked that Nana and Grandpapa put berries in the eggs
so Brock could eat them right away instead of eating so much
candy. He loves berries probably as much as candy. Josh said
he shared all of his treats, berries and candy with everyone.

Brock giving Aunt Britta a treat from one of his eggs.

Grandpapa and Brock
Here's another video of Brock's Easter. Again, don't think
Nana and Grandpapa were cheating Brock out of candy,
we requested the berries inside of the eggs. And as you
can see, he loved them.