Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Laundry chute
Brock is excited about the laundry chute(s) in our house. He has thrown lots of things down them. Some of the more memorable items are: apple slices, crayons, potato chips, paper, my slipper, his tooth brush and of coarse, his clothes. He has clogged it up a couple of times.
What a smile!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Friday's random photos
Brock likes to sing...
Brock has started singing lately. Sorry for his lack of manners with the burp but we did just finish lunch. Brock has watched this video about 25 times and laughs each time the burp comes. He thinks it's hillarious! I also love the way we wants to use his fingers to count but can't quite get that right either. We are working on a lot of things right now...colors, flash cards (ABC's), counting and now singing. Enjoy!
Nana and Grandpapa's V-Day gifts
Happy Valentine's Day
He also got a card and and some fun things for eating from Nana and Grandpapa.
(I'll try to get some pictures up soon)
Thank you to everyone who was thinking of Brock this Valentine's day.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Good Manners
The other day Brock wanted cookie. He's so sweet. The sign for "cookie" is twisting the fingers of one hand into the palm of the other, like you're twisting open an oreo.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Little Drummer Boy
Brock has really gotten into his drum, and other musical instruments lately. He loves to put this drum on and march around while banging on it. He must have worn himself out today because he kept sitting down to play.