First I had to take a bath for the big trip. I was very serious as I got ready.

Since Mom has Monday through Friday off we decided to drive to St. Louis to see Mommy's family. We left Monday morning at 4:15 in the morning. It took about 10 hours with the couple of stops we made to let me run around. I did great during the ride...that's what Mommy and Daddy said.

We stayed at my Grandma Joan and Grandpa Juan's house in Troy (about 45 minutes away from the rest of Mom's family). We had a great time.
Thanks for everything and we can't wait until you come and stay with us.

Here is Mommy on the tree swing in Grandma's backyard. You can see me and Grandma in the background.

Grandma lives in the country and her neighbor has a horse named Roxy. We walked over to feed him apples. I didn't want to leave the horse. He was really neat!

Here we are with Roxy, Grandma, Mom, Christian and Mikey.

Here's my cousin Jolee. We bought her this outfit as a Christmas present. Isn't she a doll?

The day before Thanksgiving we went over to my Mommy's Dad's house. It was a huge reunioun. It wasn't easy to get a good family photo with so many people. Here's the goofy one.
Double click on the image and it should get bigger. You can see all the way down Daddy's throat!

And here's the best of the serious ones.
Top row from left: Grandpa Rick, Grandma Pam, Daddy, Aunt Chris, Uncle Mike.
Second row: Uncle Rob, Noah (cousin), Aunt Megan, Jake, Taylor and Mikey (cousins)
Third row: Aunt Katie, Mommy, Aunt Sherry
Bottom row: Miranda, ME, Jolee, and Christian (all cousins)

Grandma Joan had these really great plates. She kept me well fed. I ate like a champ the entire time. Daddy and Mommy couldn't get over how much I ate.